59th NOF Congress

Welcome you to the 59th NOF Congress, to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 13-15, 2018.

The Nordic Orthopaedic Federation plays an important role in the continuing education of young orthopaedic surgeons and residents in the Nordic countries. Therefore, we have put together a program that is designed to deliver practical information on current ­topics in the form of lectures and smaller symposia as well as being a showcase for the ­current orthopaedic research being performed in our part of the world during the scientific sessions.

We are convinced that you will have a great time in Reykjavik enjoying the scientific program which has a wide coverage.
Not to mention the bright summer nights stimulating late discussions with Nordic  and International colleagues.

It is an honor for The Icelandic Orthopaedic Society to host the 59th biannual NOF ­congress. We hope that you decide to attend and that we will see you in good spirits in Reykjavik 2018.

More information here